Friday, May 20, 2011

Public Transportation and Weirdos

Ø  Public Transportation and the weirdo population that make me feel part of the human race -

“Weirdo” , Who or what vision comes to your mind? Is it the kinda dumpy, rag-a-muffin, crazy-eyed, talking to no-one in particular, twitchy, disheveled person at the subway, bus stop, train station, bus station or airport (ok, you don’t usually see these folks at the airport, too expensive to travel that way and besides they limit the number of bags you can lug around and make you show them all your “stuff”, damn near strip search you these days). My air travel attire makes me look a bit disheveled and far from any GQ cover. A couple weeks ago I flew and wore “flip-flops”, loose baggy cargo pants, no belt (cause they make you take it and your shoes off at the x-ray scanner, so my pants are sagging, Hanes showing like the cool kids in the “hood” (ie: mean streets, or suburban mall)  wear them, a loose long sleeve t-shirt (cause you don’t want something too binding when you fly, long sleeve cause it can be a wee bit nippy on the plane, and to cover the tat’s so that you are less likely to get that second “profiler” glance from TSA – first glance already came because of the loose saggy cargo pants), no watch, nothing in my pockets, a Patagonia vest with zip pockets (a “man purse” of sorts – I keep my wallet, cell phone, IPod, Chapstick in those pockets), and a shoulder backpack with laptop, paperback, notebook, other minor crap I might need, “stuff” I need at the ready. I suppose I could (and have) make a better attempt at some fashion sense, but in a way as I look around this IS a fashion more and more the norm.

What is your “Weirdo” vision – dumpy homeless looking crazy eye, or, weirdo grandma type with odd red/orange hair color (minor gray root peak-age), Tammy Faye make-up, “bling” jewelry and Channel or Gucci bags (real? or knock-off purchased from the street corner off a spread out blanket, or from a Hefty black trash bag in a Manhattan alley – because they are more “real” there ) , in a cleavage revealing, two sizes to small, white Aeropostle tank top (maybe one she purchased when shopping with her granddaughter), a BIG wide red polka-dot belt across her middle (to help hold back her paunch, but not working cause it slid below like Santa’s Belt and just “lifts and plumps”, Jeggings (lord help me -LMFAO), and of course four inch red open toe pumps (toe nail color – neon magenta maybe --- I shudder with delight).

You get the picture, right, and I could go on and on, everywhere you look you can find them. Point here is, I find comfort, humility, humor, and humanity it every Weirdo I see. Beneath all our external trappings (and even putting aside our internal bias, prejudice, character, “morals” – whatever those may or may not be, religion, etc) we are The Human Race, Weirdos all.
So keep it real people and embrace your weirdness, and others weirdness with humility – save your judgment, cause at the very end of your race, you won’t be the judge, just another dead weirdo!

Peace – out ! And remember, don't hate -- appreciate !

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