Monday, August 27, 2012

Art and so much more

Ø  Art, music, meditation, prayer –
I was speaking to an artist at a gallery last week and something struck me that I hadn’t quite noticed or acknowledged before. She said she often looked upon a completed piece and was transported to the time, place, the setting, and often reflected on what that experience meant to her. She explained that she often still saw details that she hadn’t captured in the art piece but that were with her still. She explained that she was often challenged with the material composition of what her mental reflection was at the time and the thought of what she wanted to convey. That was what dictated the final outcome of the piece.
I spoke to her about how the image pulled me in and I mentally composed a quick image and story beyond what was there on canvas as to how the session may have taken place, what situation drew it all together, what relationship there was or wasn’t in the subject and setting.
She didn’t elaborate on the story behind the painting we were speaking about, and I found that I didn’t really want her to. I was happy in my story of her painting. She did however elaborate that she often spent time in thought, meditation and even prayer about her work as it progressed and at those times where she struggled with the creative flow and talent to execute the physical painting of what her mind was showing her. That, she said, evolved and changed quite often as a piece was in process. The piece we were discussing she said was actually one of many different attempts or variations. That the one I was seeing now took several months to complete. Not that she worked on it directly that entire time, but rather reflected on it, contemplated the work, thought of the story, did and redid things in her mind and on canvas pieces over and over.
After that discussion I found myself thinking about what things came to mind as I looked at different pieces on display throughout the gallery and wondered about them and also about what else was behind their coming to be and how they manifested to now be hanging there. I thought about my own “art” in photographs that I take, pottery that I make, writing that I do. There is so much more to those things than what is ever “on display” for others. There are always many versions and attempts at a thing, and at some point we deem it worthy in our mind to release it and share with others. Same was true for the music I had playing in my car. I thought about how often I heard music, live or recorded that actually took me somewhere. Sometimes, back to an event or a place and time, a period in my life, or sometimes it took me on a voyage into some subconscious place I was manifesting.
I too, have seen paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, weavings and even Nature that pull you in and transported you to wherever. A transcended place and time. You are where you are physically, but you’re not “there”, in mind and soul.
That is what “Art” does. And that is what I believe true meditation or prayer can do. What is hard for us all is to first provide an opportunity to allow for that openness and awareness to manifest, unforced and not to our will, but to our being. Not as a request or desired outcome per se, but open to free-will of what may be, and not just for ourselves but for others beyond us as a whole society.
I have seen acts of kindness, images of affection, and beauty in many things, and I have seen violence and pain, things that were horrible and ugly. They each had an effect of the present and of a lasting impression for me. I can go there as I recall them. The mind is a powerful thing. It takes experiences and information, and combines it with emotions and thought, and then allows for your choice in expression. So does Art.
Be Artistic my friends. Meditate and find your happy-place, find your inspiration within you and from around you. Your life and how you live it is your canvas, so choose your medium of artistic expression with care, work on it with pride, express it with love and joy for the mutual benefit of all. Give and share your Art with others.
Peace -
This photo has a story, and I may tell it to you some day, but until then, create your own story from viewing it and see where the picture takes you. Let yourself go, happy thoughts!

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