Monday, August 06, 2012

Matters of Love

Matters of Love –

When most people associate Love with the Human body, the heart is the first and primary connection. Then they’ll tell you it is a feeling, a feeling mainly in terms of the emotion and the following physical sensations that come along with Love. People speak of the “nature of Love” and natural tendencies of attraction. Science explains the chemical, mental, physical responses of attraction but can’t fully explain “true Love”. Too often physical and emotional attraction, Love, procreation, even Marriage, are bundled into conversation and language in discussions of these topics. Debates can rage and many other factors, beliefs, opinions and mixed amounts of knowledge; fact or fiction, come into the dialog. Historical and social practices of various regions of the world come into play with expressions of what is right, wrong, good, bad, acceptable, shunned. Rules, manners and practices of courtship, engagement and relationships are explained by family and communities, even written into Laws of governments and religious doctrine.

But, it is still the “natural” and “instinctual” emotional and physical response of the person that manifests initial attraction and “Love”. Free from all else, with all other elements eliminated, Love in and of itself will manifest. It has since the dawn of time, as “natural selection”.  Here too we must be clear that “natural selection” with regard to procreation is a separate act and function, from the emotion and heartfelt connection of Love. What typically unites those two actions is a positive and pleasurable physical and emotional sensation. That said, history and science indicate that there are very, very few species that “mate for life”, and Humans are NOT one of them, and only about 3% of mammals (and that includes us Humans) are truly monogamous or “faithful”. On the Matter of Love regarding “natural selection” and attraction to another “mate” or partner, once again Nature demonstrates attractions, partnering, even the raising of offspring is not exclusive to opposite members of sex. The majority of Natural acts of procreation are indeed between opposite sexes, and most are no act of Love but just the tactical action of breeding for survival of the species.  Since we humans are the only mammal to create and attempt to abide by “laws” other than those laws of nature and physics, we as a society establish these man-made rules and laws revolving around “Love”. Here is then, where the departure from true natural Love is quite often separated from governmental and religious applications of “Love” or any other associated legal jargon they so choose to concoct.

People do fall in and out of Love. People do find attraction to many other people across the course of a lifetime. Some people choose to have physical relationships based on those attractions and “loves”. But no person “chooses” with whom they will “feel” the attraction or “Love” for. Just as we cannot choose whether we feel pain if physically injured, we cannot choose to feel an attraction. In both cases we may be able to choose our response to it and our actions to manage it, but either way the feeling is Natural, it is part of our Human reflex, in our genes and our DNA, we are wired for the attraction and manifestation of true Love. Whether you believe it is Creation from the Devine, or Darwinian in evolution, it exists – just as a “flight or fight” response is regarding harm to one’s self.
In Matters of Love, I believe we would all be much more loving, caring and nurturing, if we let each person “Love” as they feel by their own Natural calling, and that we show our love of the human being, the human spirit, by granting the respect of Devine Creation or Evolution to allow Love to grow and manifest in a natural way as intended. No rule or laws of “mankind” should ever contradict Matters of Love.
So live and let live, love and let love.
And let’s get this straight, Marriage as a recognized legal matter, is at its core an arrangement of choice, an agreement of bonding of formal law by two people, either civil and/or religious – legally two people who may hate each other, or not even really know one another, can get married in every state in the USA if it is a man and a woman. In fact and as a point of curiosity, in all US states we can marry our 2nd cousins, in 19 states we can marry our 1st cousin, and in most of these if you are under 18 years old but older than 14, you can marry with parents consent. So if you are 14 year olds and have your parents consent and want to marry your 1st cousin of the opposite sex in certain US states - game on! But  same sex couples can only legally marry  in 8 US states, and in 31 US states there are constitutional bans on same sex marriage -- call me old fashioned, but that is wrong, and as for Matters of the Heart, love rules all and is the strongest bond.

May peace, and equality, be with all of you.
Let Love rule!

1 comment:

  1. :) Forwarding this to my friends who want to be married legally, but are not allowed to. I know they will appreciate you heartfelt compassion.
