Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New States of America - a science fiction story

The Oracle & The Bain States of America –
Science Fiction has roots in possibilities, history, probabilities, statistics, power, money, apathy, greed, rises and falls of empires, kingdoms and dominions. This is a short story, as with the course of human creation, evolution, and possible extinction, so goes history as it’s told of a higher thinking civilized society. The United States of America is but a blip on the historic timeline, a quick blooming then self absorbing flower with too many thorns and shoots to sustain. It cannibalizes itself for sustenance until death.
Before a nation reaches its 300th birthday it will further split and divide and topple and be no more. The inhabitants, some, will remain. Not in an apocalyptic “tumult” of utter destruction left from self inflicted ignorance and warfare, though surely in isolated and divided camps with authoritarian plutocratic superficial democracies. As nations topple wealth adn power prevail and retain thier dominion in the new higherarchy. Russia, East Germany, the middle east, our domestic chieftans know the game, they have been creating it and establishing rules for decades. Little experiments played out across history, lessons learned, strategies adjusted, orders executed, casulites a part of the war.
Alaska is first to go as exchange of resource asset in property for debt payment and forgiveness to China. The exchange will have a contract entitled Treaty, but will be in the manner of a business deal private equity exchange offering. It will be then known as the Alaskan Republic of China.
Northern California, Oregon and Washington will be granted the title of the Western Democratic State of America.
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin will be entitled with Northern Republic State of America. Note, North Dakota will be the sole grant of new Country status sold back to the Native American Nations, with a provision that they all relocate to the newly established Country and all existing Reservations be abandoned, and are required to tithe 30% of all future gaming revenues to the Dominion Capital Bain State of America.
Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Delaware, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont become the Eastern Democratic State of America. Maine is exchanged with Canada for western pipeline and commerce free routing between the Alaskan Republic of China and the New States of America.
Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina all become the Rebel-publican State of America.
Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado become the Hispanic State of America and all “illegal immigrants” at the time will be granted asylum and immunity and allowed to relocate as an American citizen to this enclave.
Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas be granted OPEC status as the NewAmerican Oil Empire State with exclusive Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas drilling rights. 50% of all revenue goes directly to the Dominion Capital Bain State of America to further support governance.
Florida is established as a Universal medical and retirement colony primarily funded from oil and gas surcharges. All Americans who so choose at the age of 79 must relocate there to live out their lives in carefree luxery, having relinquished all other froms of Entitlement, or they may depart the New United States immediately revoking citizenship with a one-time projected 5 year Cost of Living stipend. All funded from the Native American Nations gaming revenue endowment trust equal to 25% of all their revenue, but administered via an Offshore Dominion Capital Bain State trust fund protected and free of any taxation.
Hawaii becomes the new “Las Vegas” and vacation island playground establishing the “American Pacific Riviera”, owned by the Dominion Capital Bain State of America. Where odes the Dominion Capital Bain State reside, clearly it must be established in the only remaining location: Utah.
Footnote - the District of Columbia; Washington DC is dismantled and absorbed into Maryland. The White House, Capital, monuments, excetera, all become part of a masive Public Zoo and parkland.
Choose your state carefully and live happily ever after.
The END.

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