Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Trickle-down my ass!

Editorial comment below: this opinion is that of the author; no association or agreement, no fees, no subsidies, no wages real or implied, have been given or paid by any Fortune 1000 Company, CEO, CFO, Senator or Congress memeber current or former, or any other PAC or Media entity - they keep that among their own 1%. 

Ø  How’s that “trickle-down theory” working for ya –
The language is simply offensive, as it relates to finance and economics, nothing in the word “trickle” instills any confidence, success or acceptable outcome for more than a select few.  A planted field of crops does not grow with a trickle of irrigation, but a trickle of oil seeping from a tanker can pollute and kill an entire eco-system.
Heaping scoops of ice cream melt and trickle down the cone.  Water trickles from a leaking faucet. Piss trickles down your leg.  A shattered domestic economy doesn’t need “trickle-down economics”, hell we’ve been trickled on for too damn long. 
Likewise any economic policy that anticipates those demigod gatekeepers of big business, financing, banking and commerce to actually care about what value and domestic economic improvement in poor, low-income and middle-class real wage could be, are so full of shit I imagine that is trickling down upon us too!
A few lines from Monty Python’s Holy Grail where the lowly commoners, servants and serfs are muddy in the fields goes something like – “How do you know he’s a King?”, “He hasn’t got shit all over him!” as King Arthur heads on his quest for the Holy Grail and riches. Our Corporate, Banking and Political “elite” preside over their power, wealth and quest for more, in open mockery of any premise to see domestic median income and wealth improve. Quite the opposite, as their control and use of monies to influence policy and lawmakers has become legal (or illegal and not prosecuted) in campaign financing, lobbying, monopolization actually broadens the wage gap and increase poverty levels domestically.  Those dollars flow in the hundreds of MILLIONS, BILLIONS, to TRILLIONS while their “trickle-down” of wages continue to go to developing third-world labor and emerging markets, and are whittled away by their policies to help ensure shareholder and corporate revenue. Wages and benefits are always the first on the chopping block, “low hanging fruit” in the business lingo for easy things to manage.
Now as far as Capitalism goes, and a sound business practice of securing the lowest wages and material costs, they are indeed doing the right and profitable business. They should go to those places for low cost labor and materials. There is no reason, incentive, regulation that would compel them to keep jobs, wage, and production domestic, or in the very least give consideration to wage stability in line with expanding production of these labor resources. They can trickle-down much less outside the US and therefore make more profit. That’s just good business. More profit means more money to spend on things that benefit their futures individually and as Corporations; business incentives, tax breaks, government contracts, R&D grants, and reduced regulation so they are free to help the economy grow through trickle-down economics.
A recent Wall Street Journal review of 35 multi-national US companies discovered that they collectively added 446,000 jobs between 2009 and 2011, 3/4s of them overseas and 60% of their revenue growth came from overseas where they contributed to those locations economic growth. At the same time domestic production per capita continued to increase  at a greater percent than real wages – domestic workers are producing more, are more efficient and effective, without any wage benefit to their efforts.
“Trickle-down” is the expectation that the companies bring their profits back to the U.S.A and create jobs here, but this doesn’t happen, because the low wage and profit margin is over there and they are incented, and given tax breaks to do it, and their CEOs and large shareholder investors (often foreign banks and countries like China profit on stock growth). American companies' investment in US plants and equipment as a percentage of GDP is around 10%percent, the lowest it had been since 1964.
Unfortunately for our Middle-Class this has meant that since the 1970s the Middle-class has shrunk steadily and has now been surpassed by Upper-Class, and our Middle-Class net worth has plummeted based on numerous Economic and Demographic studies. Another sad note from demographics shows that Middle-class family size has also shrunk since the 1970s and it take two and three incomes within the household to keep from declining further and faster. Glad that moral high-ground emphasis on core family values and two parent families is so important in agendas too; not to actually have a parent at home, but just to make enough money to pay for necessities of food, shelter and clothes. WORKING families mind you, in fact economists and demographers have begun using the term “working poor” for the lower income group that used to make up a portion of the “middle-class”.  Note the poverty guideline is approximately $23,000 for a family of four! Two fulltime incomes at minimum wage jobs is only about $32,000. So in a “traditional” family, a mom and a dad would be both be working fulltime at their minimum wage service jobs (since those are what our domestic economy is growing at the fastest rate, though still with a double digit unemployment rate) and little Jack and Jill would be cared for by another minimum wage caregiver or at school until they got home to be alone.
More deregulation, more tax breaks, more freedom to allow these major Corporations, Business Leaders, Politicians to take the lead to improve our domestic economy? I don’t think so  – there’s a great big crock of shit, and you know exactly where it will be emptied, and on whom.  There is a growing oligarchy and they are buying elections and elected public servants, and they are doing it clothed in Red, White and Blue while touting a moralistic family values agenda. But really it’s a reinvention of Aristocracy and Nobelmen.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Well folks shame on all of us for continuing to watch and even support this magical sleight of hand, snake-oil selling, silver-tongued, bullshit con-job over and fucking over again. I say no more. Show me just one major US Corporation, CEO, or former Congress member or Senator that has up and left the USA to live and do business under another countries tax code because they were over regulated or taxed too much here. They stay here because we are easy targets, willing Johns to their prostitution, gambling addicts sitting in their casinos knowing the house always wins. And one particular Casino owner is the poster boy – Michael Corleone has nothing on this guy.

Our Congress, Senate and President need to pull their collective heads out of these guys asses, work as a collective National Government, do some seriously hard work to redefine National interest and business interests, reverse some past shity legislation and adjust the tax codes to benefit in a more balanced way the income and net worth of all people, ensure special interests keep their greedy hands out of everyones pockets - stop the "payola", and be held accountable to the American populace -the "us" in USA. A Goverment "of the people and for the people".

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