Monday, December 10, 2012

Holiday from the heart

Heartfelt giving -
I find it heartbreaking that so many people feel such a need to marginalize and demonize others in an effort to establish themselves as compassionate, caring, righteous, moral and above all, superior.
I was verbally affronted the other day when dropping some clothes off at the Goodwill. As I placed my bags into the bin, a lady pulled up and hopped out of her car and began placing paper bags of items by the side of the container on the ground. “I can’t reach all the way up there to throw these in, they wash all these things before selling them anyway” she stated matter-of-factly.
“I can put them in for you” I said.  “You can if you want to but it doesn’t really matter, they have to sort through all this junk we leave and clean whatever they want to keep of it anyway. Besides those kind of people who buy it don’t expect this stuff to be perfect, just cheap!” she replied. “The Goodwill expects people to donate items that are in good shape and clean, not junk” I said with a bit of a glare at her. “Whatever, you are crazy if you spend your time washing stuff before you bring it here. I do my part for charity; I even gave some to their Bell Ringers ”.  “The Bell Ringers are the Salvation Army” came my response and then her immediate “Whatever!”Those were her parting words as she climbed into her car and sped off. 
Now I’m not so perfect and I can be as judgmental as anyone, in fact my first “judgment” was that she probably never actually even entered a Goodwill or Salvation Army, let alone considered ever buying and using something from them. Then I judged her as a prissy well to do Bitch. But I didn’t judge her that way to make myself feel better about “me”, or to belittle or demean “her kind”. My judgment was of her at that moment, of her action and of her words with me, so it was really my conclusion of her character in that brief exchange.
Regardless of whether it was my conclusion, or a judgment, or a label, or a group that I had just associated her to, I was later just as troubled with my own anger at her and that compulsion to connect her personal action and words to anything greater, to some group or class.
Finally it came to me. And it’s important this time of year as Holidays approach and with the recent weather  disaster – Charity, Benevolence, Donations, Giving , if not truly done from the heart in an action to share and care for others in good will in order to help them as equals, actually subjugates them or elevates you.
We are for the most part a compassionate and caring society, for the most part we embrace justice and equity, fairness and equal opportunity, the freedom to become better off and prosper. We want to help people with a “hand up”. But that has to be heart-felt. It has to start truly from there, from your heart, you have to feel it and believe in that. Otherwise it’s more an action of duty or a kind gesture but without real compassion. In those cases your spirit of “giving” is not present, there is no empathy. It is just another action or task or “to do” on your list; went to the bank-check, washed the car-check, dropped stuff at the Goodwill-check, eat lunch-check.
We all have our causes and favorite charities, we donate a great deal of time, money and effort into these and sometimes we really do feel a sense of caring and sharing. I have to remind myself of this often, I’m human in a very fast paced “me” world, and holidays bring out the best and worst in all of us.
Care, share and give from your heart and I believe you will “feel” a special gift within yours.
May the Spirit of giving be with you now and through-out the year, Good Will to you and yours this holiday season. Enjoy your Holiday celebration and respect others in theirs.
Peace and cheers to everyone!


  1. After reading your blog I was struck by the whole idea of benevolence. I often wonder about the motivations of those who give whether to charity or any other cause. As you, I am far from perfect. I wonder if when I give to someone or something am I doing it for the right reasons? Am I truly being altruistic or do I have some other reason for my generosity? I can, sometimes answer that question honestly. Sometimes that question is more difficult because I have to admit to myself that perhaps I am giving because I hope to get something in return. As I have aged, I have come to understand the differences. I have come to an awareness that when I make the choice to give, whether of myself or of material goods, I am doing it for the right reasons. Whether giving through art, teaching, love or even material objects, I enjoy giving but it must come from the right place in my heart. In that respect, there is still something in it for me and so not completely altruistic but at least I try. I love to share and collaborate.
    Benevolence, altruism, giving are conducted for many reasons, some private and some very public. Anonymous giving in its anonymity is most likely the truest form of altruism but not always practical. Wouldn't it be a strange life if every time we decided to give, we got our names on plaques or buildings? I admit though sometimes it would be nice just to get a thank you.
    All of that being said, I hope to always be the best person I can be. I hope to treat others with respect as I hope to be treated. I hope to always be grateful for all the gifts in my life no matter what form they take. Lastly I hope to remember that everyone in my life, even those who are vile or treating me in an inconsiderate manner, are there to teach me something. The lessons we take from those experiences are up to us. Cheers to you my friend.

    1. Hello and thank you for visiting and reading my blog page. I appreciate your comments as well!

  2. It is truly the season for giving for those that can, and receiving, for those who are in need.

    I was especially happy to donate many good articles of clothing as well as perfectly functioning electronics and computer devices to Goodwill before my recent move east. I guess I had been "saving" them for some reason all this time.

    When I was able to donate these items to an organization that would put them in the hands of someone who could use them and who needed them far more than I, it made me feel good, yes. So, I was elated to give.

    In my case, the good feelings I experienced by giving to those less fortunate were what I "received" for this selfless act--when you donate and give to organizations that help the needy, you are also participating in your community by helping members of it.

    Thanks for another interesting read, Jaye!

    1. Thanks for sharing Bob. That "heartfelt" giving is wonderful because of the unique receipt of the heart in conjunction of giving/receiving. Thanks for following, reading and commenting - keep up the fine work on yours as well sir! Cheers!
